
A wide range of useful guides to help you.

Life Insurance Association Guides

The Life Insurance Association, Singapore publish a series of guides, that provide general guidance and are not a substitute for seeking legal of financial advice

These are PDF documents and will open in a new window.

Your Guide to Investment-Linked Insurance Plan

Your Guide to the nomination of Insurance Nominees [Revised 2020]

LIA code of Life Insurance Practice (December 2021)

Savings and investments guide

In a changing and uncertain world, your savings need to work hard for you to meet your long-term goals; such as retirement planning, buying your first home or funding your children’s education. We have developed a range of financial solutions to help you achieve these goals and assist you on your life journey. These are available through our selection of regular or single premium investment plans. Viewing your regular or single premium investment plan as an investment strategy doesn’t mean it has to be complicated.

A specially selected combination of shares, bonds or similar investments run by professional fund managers are known as investment funds. This Savings and Investments guide aims to give a better understanding of what is involved in investing in funds and the key points to consider. Savings and investments guide

Source of Funds

Source of Funds Procedure – Our application forms contain a section called ‘source of wealth’ which needs to be completed to give us information on where the income your client will use to pay their premiums has been generated. This document will help you to determine what information your client needs to send us and if source of wealth evidence is needed.